Celiac disease

Pathogenesis and classification of celiac disease

Type Clinical features 
Possible pathogenesis 


  • Gene abnormalities in HLA-DQ2 and/or DQ8 
  • IgA antibodies to gliadin  
  • IgA antibodies against endomysium 
  • Antigen identified as tissue transglutaminase (tTG) 
  • IgG antibodies against deamidated gluten peptides (DAG) 
  • T cell cross reactivity  to deamidated gluten peptides 
  • May transport gliadin proteins to intestinal lamina propria and activate T cell response against villi 
  • Symptomatic disease 
    • Classic celiac disease 
      • Symptoms of malabsorption 
      • Resolution of findings with gluten-free diet 
    • Atypical celiac disease 
      • Minor GI symptoms 
      • Positive serological antibody tests 
  • Asymptomatic or subclinical disease 
    • Mild clinical findings 
    • Usually diagnosed due to high clinical suspicion 
  • Potential (latent) celiac disease 
    • Positive serological antibody tests 
    • Normal duodenal biopsies with possible increased intraepithelial lymphocytes 
    • No clinical symptoms or signs of malabsorption 
  • Refractory celiac disease (gluten-free diet unresponsive) 
    • Possible causes of underlying malabsorption 
      • Non-malignant small intestine inflammatory disorder 
      • Semi-malignant inflammatory condition 
      • Overt enteropathy-associated T cell lymphoma 
      • Collagenous sprue 
(Next Lesson) Clinical presentation of celiac disease
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